poniedziałek, 10 czerwca 2013


We all hate stupid bitches, looking jealously on us, acting like they are the bestest in all respects or even trying to take away our boyfriends. What makes them behave like this? Despite disease of the new-generation: complexes "I feel so bad, I'm ugly I gotta provoke some girls to make them paying attention on me. Wow now I'm so satisfied calling her new Jimmi Choo's ugly" Smells like TRU HATER. That's exactly what I'm talking about. Continuing, if your not smart enough to create your own personality, lets find a character to follow a model of. You know what I'm thinking of : THE BITCH. Blair Waldorf-the most famous bitch. Yes of course, you can act like Blair, but I still can't see your limo out front. Another thing is about the provenance, that's what I have noticed on myself, generally girls from villages always thinking too much, its so confusing for me, because as a city girl I never had a thing for people from others communities, but those bitches do everything to make you feel worst, so funny. I wouldn't get it, ever. And the last example, of our lovely bitches <3 PARTY BITCH like "yeeey we love parties, last time i drunk three beers and slept with 3 guys, so proportionally" or even worst drinking half bottle of vodka, and getting up 3 hours later under the table without underweare with make up all over the face. But being sluts is not the baddest side of them, the disaster starts when they come with almost no clothes on and you just feel your bf sight on their asses.


7 komentarzy:

  1. True story... do you want to follow each other?

    Nice blog between, i really like it :)

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  2. Inspirację czerpię ze zdjęć czy wizyt w kanjpkach- staram się coś dodać swojego, lub odtworzyć dany przepis!


  3. szczerze? niezbyt. chyba dlatego, że zmiana nie jest jakaś diametralna i myślę, że będę robić jeszcze jedną korektę nosa, jeśli w ogóle da się ją wykonać i będzie to mieć jakiś sens.
    nigdy nie poznałam dziewczyny z gatunku the bitch i mam nadzieję, a raczej ona powinna mieć nadzieję, że nigdy mnie nie pozna :)

  4. Pierwsze zdjecie idealnie pasuje do tego, co napisalas:)!


  5. love this pics and also your blog! It's so nice!!! ! I'm thinking, if you want, we can follow each other (gfc, bloglovi, ..)! It would be great!!
    xoxo Gloria
