poniedziałek, 10 czerwca 2013


We all hate stupid bitches, looking jealously on us, acting like they are the bestest in all respects or even trying to take away our boyfriends. What makes them behave like this? Despite disease of the new-generation: complexes "I feel so bad, I'm ugly I gotta provoke some girls to make them paying attention on me. Wow now I'm so satisfied calling her new Jimmi Choo's ugly" Smells like TRU HATER. That's exactly what I'm talking about. Continuing, if your not smart enough to create your own personality, lets find a character to follow a model of. You know what I'm thinking of : THE BITCH. Blair Waldorf-the most famous bitch. Yes of course, you can act like Blair, but I still can't see your limo out front. Another thing is about the provenance, that's what I have noticed on myself, generally girls from villages always thinking too much, its so confusing for me, because as a city girl I never had a thing for people from others communities, but those bitches do everything to make you feel worst, so funny. I wouldn't get it, ever. And the last example, of our lovely bitches <3 PARTY BITCH like "yeeey we love parties, last time i drunk three beers and slept with 3 guys, so proportionally" or even worst drinking half bottle of vodka, and getting up 3 hours later under the table without underweare with make up all over the face. But being sluts is not the baddest side of them, the disaster starts when they come with almost no clothes on and you just feel your bf sight on their asses.


niedziela, 9 czerwca 2013


Grab one beer and a bitch or maybe two
And hit the sand in the water so I get cool 

Its such a great feeling to wake up by a sunshine. Finally its time to begin outdoor life. 
 Right now I'm thinking about my this year's destination. I will definitely stick with Africa, cos I love the atmosphere there, people are so friendly, adoring me on every corner, it will never get bored :) What I like the most about Africa? Not so commercial yet, like countries in Europe, which are designed only to make money on tourists. You just go there and totally get in their culture. Walking thru wild beaches, drinking mint tea in cave houses, riding jeeps at Sahara. 
Oh I drifted into dreams <3


piątek, 7 czerwca 2013


When people ask me, if Im proud that Im from Poland, I dont really feel answering this question, but I always say "IM REALLY PROUD OF THE CITY I COME FROM- BIELSKO-BIAŁA" :). I dont think that is a coincidence that I was born here and got an opportunity to live here. This time Id like to show you my favorite places, and write something about memories couse there are many and many and many of them..

 PIGAL connecting people 

There is really something in it! Since Ive started be often there my life changed completely. It was like you didnt need facebook and phone to make an appointment with friend, you just went to Pigal and everybody was there, this place was never empty, but full of people in different age, with different style and different subcultures, worth to meet em all ! Even though it was quite long time ago I still sentimentally look at this place and always find a while in everydays rush to take a break and stop there for a moment. All friends Ive met there, and all crazy things we did are the best memories! I'm wondering who else remember times when you didnt have plans, went to Pigal and got back home 2 days later . It all started like this and made me a person I am now :)

The old one also looks great!


Haha, the funniest story about this place ;)
Generally I love this one, and Im still visiting it afterwards, to smoke a cig or something else, and my story its just all about "something else". As lipa means disaster that was seamlessly for the first 3 times, we went there to smoke some weed. First time, second one and third we were happy for the place which was nice and we could relax sitting in car and taking hits from the bong. But the fourth time eventually has come, riding there my friend were keep saying, there must be something wrong with the fourth lipka. And yes it was indeed. That time we didnt take the bongo, but we went outside to smoke a joint and when we barely finished we were surrounded by a police. Despite we are only weekend smokers police took our case very seriously and during high I was talking to the policeman which didnt hide that I seemed very funny for him. 

So YES there are cameras there, and YES police sucks.


After the Old Brewery which was recently demolished, my favorite abandoned place. So creepy, so scary, so mysterious. Since I remember, there were rumors that it all could fall down anytime, but who cares !? Its really really worth to see it. The best view of course from the last floor, and yes it is a way to get there, you just have to be a little bit limber and stretchy to go by bars and here we go. I wish you great time there ;) But if you nor brave enough, down there are also many interesting stuff to see, check it !


This place I like the most because of the views, you ride by narrow, winding, steep road which is in the middle of something very very very beautiful. Mountains covered by trees in all variety of green color and when you get to the place you can choose your own forest path to get lost. Generally I truly love the woods,  walking in the mountains was always part of my life, especially when I was younger, I enjoyed the family&friends trips, shame that now its hard to take somebody on a hike like this. However there is something really special about this place, cos everytime Im visiting it, its always with different people and for different reasons.


And the last one place Id like to show you, a bit further from Bielsko. Totally breathtaking view, of stone with a lake on the bottom, placed in a forest, surrounded by mountains, great space to take a break from everything. Thats the place where we took our very special guests. Namely one there was a Manu Chao concert in Chorzów, me and my two friends- as a fans of this band decided to go, it was very spontaneous but adventures like that are the best. unfortunately we missed the train and the biggest fun just begun. Nobody could give us a lift, so we went there by hitchhiking, YOLO ! Risky but crazy as hell! And then weve met driving by a black Rover (mafia style) a group of guys from Tychy, which not only drop us to the concert but continue party with us! And when they visited us we took them exactly there, as a first and the best idea that evening, 
I'm sure they liked it as much as we did :)

if you want to ask me, ask me here


środa, 5 czerwca 2013


Ive been always wondering where do people get fashion inspirations, whenever there are designs from fashion magazines, blogs, catwalks or is it a sixth sense makes them looking hot only according to themselves. How it looks in my case?
Im not a big fan of catwalks, maybe cos I never had an opportunity to see it live, or maybe its not exactly what Im looking for. Of course I have my favorite designers, love Versace for great black&gold combinations, Jean Paul Gaultie for breaking all fashion rules and so controversial unique style, also I love reading fashion blogs and watching their lifestyle, but